1. Overview of short stress rolling mill
The profile rolling machine with short stress return line of the working machine, the stress return line of the working machine seat refers to the line connecting the neutral line of the elastic deformation section of the force part in the rolling mill after the rolling force is applied, and the length of the stress return line is the rolling mill. The sum of the lengths of the force parts. The amount of elastic deformation generated by each force-bearing part in the rolling mill base is proportional to its sectional area, and inversely proportional to its length. The shorter the stress return line in the machine base, the smaller the elastic deformation generated, the rigidity of the rolling mill ( see rolling mill) stiffness coefficient), the higher the accuracy of the rolled product.
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2 , there are two ways to shorten the rolling mill stress return line
The first is to change the form of the bearing structure of the rolling mill, that is, to reduce the number of bearing parts in the rolling mill stand. For example, if there is no arch ( stand ) rolling mill, the stress return line is shortened by shortening the length of the stressed part; the second is to change the force transmission path, such as The rolling force is not directly applied to the top of the arch window, so that it acts on the column near the rolling mill to shorten the stress return line. The comparison between the general mill and the stress line of the short-stress line mill is shown in the figure.
The short-stress line rolling mill is mainly used to transform the transverse rolling mill, develop the double-duty short-stress line rolling mill ( see complex double-short stress line finishing mill ) and research the vertical short-stress line rolling mill, and build the company in the alternating arrangement of Pingyili. Rolling production line.
3 , short-term rolling mill advantages
(1) The high rigidity of the rolling mill ensures high precision of the product and easy to achieve negative deviation rolling.
(2) It can achieve symmetrical adjustment. This is of great significance for stable operation, improved operating rate, saving time for repairing and replacing the guide beam, reducing operational accidents, avoiding process accidents such as elbows, impacts and winding of the rolling stock, and improving the life of the guide.
(3) Since the rolling force changes the pipeline, the pressure is changed to a concentrated load screw load dispersion dispersed in both sides of the bearing housing, the bearing and housing the forces better, improving the life of the bearing 1 as compared with ordinary rolling. More than 5 times, which reduces the cost of the product.
(4) The roller system of the rolling mill is pre-installed and adjusted before the roller is changed, and the new roller system can be replaced after about 10 minutes of parking . After the adjusted new roller system is rolled over one or two steels, the product can be qualified. Therefore, the pre-tuning performance of the rolling mill is good, the roll changing is fast, and the finished product rate is high.
4 , the application of short stress rolling mill
The short-stress line mill, also known as the unbranded mill , is a high-rigidity mill . When used as a section mill , it should not only have a high radial stiffness , but also a high axial stiffness. At present, various types of short-stress line rolling mills have been developed in China, such as GY type , HB type , CW type , SY type , GW type , DW type, etc. , three of which are representative, they are GY type short stress line rolling mills. , HB type non-brand rolling mill , SY type high rigidity rolling mill. These mills are all based on the Swedish P - 60 unlicensed mill , combined with their own different conditions , so the main stress part of the main stress line structure is similar , only in the support mode and some specific The structure is somewhat different and each has its own characteristics.
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